OP Gauss Shotgun Build | Fallout 76 Builds

Fallout 76 Gauss Shotgun Build

(QUICK NOTE: These Builds are usable but NOT updated past the Steel Reign update. Until I get a chance to update all the builds, these should be thought of as more of a build starter)

The Gauss Shotgun in Fallout 76 is definitely a must have weapon for anyone who specializes with Shotgun builds. This gun absolutely decimates enemies, but not only at a close range but ALSO at an insanely far range… it’s pretty much a sniper while using VATS. 

SO! Lets go over a build that’ll help you maximize your Shotgun build!


Perk Cards (Solo)

Perk Cards (Team)

Legendary Perk Cards

NukesDragons has a FANTASTIC Fallout 76 Character Builder, and if you’re looking to create a build concept BEFORE you go for the real thing, definitely check out:

NukesDragons Character Build Planner & Calculator


The Gauss Shotgun is one of those weapons that you need to FIRST buy the plan before you can actually get one yourself. In order to get the Gauss Shotgun you’ll have to be MAX Level Settler’s reputations, and purchase it from the Gold Bullion Vendor at the Settler’s Base.

But when you DO finally acquire the Gauss Shotgun plan, one of the there are a couple things you’ll want to keep in mind, especially with Legendary Perks and Modifications (which are purchased with more gold at the same vendor).

Here are some Legendary Perks you’ll want to look out for.

Legendary Main Effects:

  1. Bloodied : More Damage the Lower your Health it
  2. Junkie’s : More Damage the more Addictions you have
  3. Anti-Armor : Ignores 50% of your enemies Armor
  4. Two Shot : Fires 2 projectiles per 1 shot
  5. Furious : Damage Increases every Consecutive Shot
  6. Instigating : Does Double damage if target is at Full Health

Legendary Major Effects:

  1. VATS Critical Shots do +50% Damage
  2. 25% Increased Fire Rate
  3. +33% VATS Hit Chance
  4. 50% Limb Damage

Legendary Minor Effects:

  1. 15% Faster Reload
  2. VATS Critical Meter fills 15% Faster
  3. 25% Less VATS Action Point Cost
  4. 1 Agility
  5. 1 Perception

The one other thing you’ll want to considering is modifying the gun to maximize its damage, cause you can always squeeze more outta guns once you start slapping mods on them.

Recommended Gauss Shotgun Mods


  • Prime Receiver
    • Super Damage & does bonus Damage to Scorched and Scorchbeasts
  • Vicious Receiver
    • Reduced Durability, Better Accuracy, Improved hip-fire Accuracy & Critical Shot Damage


  • Extended Barrel
    • Better Accuracy, Superior Range


  • Aligned Stock
    • Reduced Durability, Better Accuracy, Improved Recoil and Hip-fire Accuracy


  • Perforating Magazine
    • Inferior Durability, Superior Armor Penetration


  • Short Scope
    • Better Magnification and Accuracy


With the Gauss Shotgun (Or Shotgun builds in general) you TYPICALLY stay out of Power Armor for the most part, just because you don’t benefit a ton from being in Power Armor with shotgun builds, unless you feel like you’re dying a lot. Even then, there’s armor in the game that pretty much rivals power armor in terms of survivability, which is insane.

Under Armor

Under Armor can be one of the most essential pieces to your build, simply because it adds so much straight up damage resistance and SPECIAL bonuses. Remember, you DO NOT receive under armor bonuses while in Power Armor, you will only get the benefits from the Power Armor itself.

The best one you’ll want to try and get is the Secret Service under armor providing:

  • +15 Damage resistance
  • +15 Energy Resistance
  • +15 Radiation Resistance

With Shielded Lining:

  • +4 Strength
  • +2 Perception
  • +4 Endurance

If you can’t get this under armor yet, which new players won’t for a good while, stick with any others you can get along the way, modding them with what you can! (Collect those plans!)

Regular Armor

Regular armor is totally up to the user on which they wear, but when we’re talking about Heavy Gun builds… well, actually any build pretty much, you’re going to want to go with Secret Service armor, which is purchased with Gold Bullion after completing the Wastelander’s main campaign. It provides an insane amount of armor, better than anything else, and the ONLY problem is that you need to buy it at the extremely expensive price and then HOPE you roll some good perks on it.

By the way, quick note, if you’re wanting to use a bloodied build with the Gauss Shotgun (which is where Nerd Rage comes in handy, and damage goes crazy) you’ll want to definitely stick to either Unyielding or Bolstering if you’re dying a lot.

If you can’t get Secret Service armor just yet, don’t worry about it, as long as you have armor like Combat Armor, Brotherhood Recon, or Marine Armor. Speaking of perks, these are the ones you’ll want to look out for:

Legendary Main Effects:

  1. Unyielding
  2. Bolstering
  3. Vanguard’s

Legendary Major Effects:

  1. Any of the +1 to SPECIAL
  2. Powered

Legendary Minor Effects:

  1. 50% More durability
  2. Receive 15% less Limb Damage
  3. Ammo Weight Reduced by 20%
  4. Weapon Weight Reduced by 20%
  5. Food, Drink, and Chem Weight reduced by 20%
  6. Junk Weight Reduced by 20%

Power Armor

Just like regular Armor, Power Armor also has it’s “better” versions that are pretty much just superior to the rest. If you’re rocking Power Armor with a Shotgun build, you’ll want to get T-65. The T-65 Power Armor provides the absolute highest amount of damage resistances as possible, but also costs a fortune in Gold Bullion to purchase all the plans, so once again, use what you can. T-60, X-01, and Ultracite Power Armors are quite easy to come across just by completing the Enclave and Brotherhood questlines.

For Power Armor Mods (because you’ll definitely want to mod them to make them the best) you’re wanting to look for:

  • Helmet: Internal Database – +2 Intelligance
    • Targeting Hud – Highlights Living Targets
  • Torso: Emergency Protocols – Benefits from being Bloodied
    • Jet Pack is also helpful
  • Arms: None of them will really help out a lot, don’t waste bullion
  • Legs: Calibrated Shocks – Carry weight +50 per mod


This is for those of you that enjoy going out and absolutizing maximizing the damage output you can deal with your builds. Little do a lot of folks realize, taking the right foods and drastically boost the performance of your build, making it beyond worth it to gather these quick items.


  • Grilled Radstag: 
    • Super Easy to make, increases Carry weight by +20
  • Pumpkin Pie: 
    • Max Health +40
  • Smoked Mirelurk Filets: 
    • +250 HP and +30 Carry Weight
  • Blight Soup:
    • Critical Damage +20%
  • Megasloth Mushroom Soup: 
    • Critical Damage +20%


    • High Voltage Bock:
      • +15 Energy Damage BUT Increases the Condition Cost by 15%
    • Firecracker Berry Juice: 
      • +10% Critical Damage
    • Hard Lemonade: 
      • +30 Max AP and +10 AP Regen
    • Steeped Tea Thistle/Sweet Mutfruit Tea:
      • Critical Hit +20%


      • Marsupial
        • Carry Weight +20%, +Jump Height
      • Adrenal Reaction
        • Higher Weapon Damage the lower your HP
      • Speed Demon
        • +20 Faster Movement Speed +20% Faster Reload


        • Overdrive
          • +15% Damage, +15% Critical Damage
        • Pyscho
          • +25 Damage Resistance, +15% Damage
        • Pyschobuff
          • +25% Damage, Strength/Endurance +3, Max HP +65

        Magazines & Bobbleheads

        Thing about Magazines is that there are SO MANY of them that is can make it difficult to pick and choose between them all, whereas Bobbleheads are quite a bit easier as there are FAR less. Here are just my few suggestions:


        • Guns & Bullets #3 – “Little Guns for the Ladies”
          • +30% Critical Damage with Ballistic Guns
        • Live & Love #2 – “Nuke-The-Man”
          • +5% Damage when in a Team
        • Tesla Science #7 – “U.S. Army Goes to Space”
          • +30% Energy Gun Critical Damage
        • Tesla Science #8 – “10 Number 1 Hits!!!”
          • +15% Critical Damage


        • Small Guns
          • +20% Damage with Small Weapons (Includes Shotguns)
        • Energy Weapons
          • +25% Damage with Energy Weapons
        • Explosive
          • +30% Damage with Explosives

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