Commendations and Secrets to “A Pirate’s Life” Tall Tale | Sea of Thieves

Arr… This be Cap’n Jailkin ‘er to tell ye all how to unlock all yer commendations for the first Tall Tale “A Pirate’s Life”. Now I don’t be rec’mendin this ‘ere guide if ye haven’t completed the Tall Tale on yer own yet, as we’ll be skipping all the parts that were covered in that guide.

A Pirate's Life Tall Tale Guide
Now if ye want the guide to this Tall Tale then THIS is where ye wanna be look'in.
Now before we be setting off on this ‘ere voy…. *COUGH* *COUGH*… talking like a pirate sure hurts your throat. So to get started, I just wanna make sure you all know that this guide was made possible due to the collective efforts of Kevduit, Sinduit, DustyyGrinn and myself. We spent the better part of 3 hours raking through every inch of this tall tale to ensure we could provide you with everything you need in one place.
Commendation List
Before we begin looking into how to earn all the commendations I just want to break them down into two types of commendations.
Story Commendations
There are 5 story related commendations that you WILL earn just completing the Tall Tale from start to finish. We wont be going over those ones here as they can all be earned by following our “A Pirate’s Life Tall Tale Guide” HERE
Secret Commendations

This is what you’re here for, unlocking all the commendations so you can earn the beautiful Cursed Captains sales (and hat) and boost your renown. We’ll start at the second part of the tall tale, you may have to run through Dead Man’s Grotto real quick to get here.
Now make your way straight down towards the wrecked ships where you’ll be greeted by your new best chattering friend the Cursed Captain. You can feel free to ignore him for the time being, we have REAL things to accomplish here. We’re going to unlock ALL the secret commendations in order.
Raising the Dead

The First Secret Commendation we unlock in this walkthrough is Raising the Dead. Now this is earned by discovering Dougie, the buried pirate. We start this quest in the second floor of the Tavern.
Treasure for the Dead

A Powerful Thirst

By far one of my favorite commendations that I earned in the tall tale, filling Captain Bones’ tankard. This easily can be done before the other two commendations we’ve covered so far, but to make things easier for the next we placed it here.
Ship of Thieves

Now after seeing Captain Bone loose his mind over a game of chess you probably noticed a key sitting next to the chess board, here’s where all your work so far comes together.
Keep in mind that the gold from these piles are NOT shared among the crew, it’s first come first serve, so make sure you head for those gold piles first as they are worth about 2,000 gold each.
Secret of the Grave

Now that you’ve finished looting the gold from this ship it’s time to start setting thing up for the next secret.
The Crew of the Headless Monkey

Now that you’ve found the Secret ship its time to find the 5 books scattered about, Now these are mostly in plain site but some can be missed if you get distracted by the shiny bits.
The Crew of the Headless Monkey - A Headless Monkey
Start by heading straight the the tipped over mast, at its base you will find the first book next to the lantern.

The Crew of the Headless Monkey - Raising the Mad Monkey
Next you’ll want to head up the stairs to the broken mast where you’ll find the second book resting on the ledge of the mast.

The Crew of the Headless Monkey - Somewhere in the Caribbean
The third book and Captain Key is located right up by the ships missing wheel. Read the book and take the Key.

Inside the Captains quarters you’ll find the final two books and complete the commendation.
The Crew of the Headless Monkey - Fresh Waters
The Crew of the Headless Monkey - A Fateful Pursuit

Cursed Captain Journal - Lights Out
Now many of you may have found this last Journal during your story mode run through, but for those who didn’t here’s what to do.
With the final journal read you will have unlocked the last TWO commendations and now have the Cursed Captains Hat and Sails unlocked.
If you enjoyed this guide, be sure to check out our other’s guides.