Blade and Sorcery Mods

Blade and Sorcery is a VR Fantasy Sword fighting game that has probably some of the best combat you’ll ever experience in a VR game. It’s insanely brutal and realistic violence with heaps of different types of weapons and spells make for some of the most fun gameplay you can experience. And of course, with games like this, you’ll find some of the craziest and most awesome mods you’d ever add to your experience.
Here’s a list of the mods I’ve downloaded and played with, with all of them being clickable links for you to go and get them yourself. Make sure to endorse the creators of the mods!
Blade and Sorcery Mods
- Fisher’s Modular Revolvers (Manual Reloading)
- Webshooter City
- 4K Lightsaber Pack U8.3
- _RWBY_ Ruby Rose’s Crescent Rose
- Admin Gun
- AK-47 Ghost
- Alien and Predator Pack
- Amogus imposter
- Andy’s Room
- Atomic Disintegration
- Attack on Titan
- Attack On Titan Pistol
- Attack On Titan Thunder Spear
- B.A.R.Z.E.L F.O.R.C.E
- B1 Battle Droids
- Baguette
- Banana costume and maracas
- Batman Grappling Hook
- Bazooka
- Beast_217’s Rifle Pack
- Bickle’s Skyrim Weapons
- Bionicle Weapons and Mask(s)
- Blades of Chaos
- Blood Moon
- Bloodborne – Hunters Arsenal
- Bloodborne – Yharnam Stockpile
- Bloxy Cola Potion
- Bo Staff WIP
- Bombchu
- Bond Wire (Grappling gun)
- Bone Holsters
- Bottom Of The Well
- Bowtie’s Modder Utilities
- Boxing Gloves
- Cannon
- Carl
- Cat Hammer
- Clay’s Captain America’s Shield
- Clone Armor
- Clone Commando Armor
- CMVR’s OSRS Weapon Pack
- Coach Gun and Sawed Off Shotgun
- Comically Large Kitchen Pack
- Comically large nail
- Corvo Bianco
- Crucible Sword
- CS 1.6 – Dust 2
- Cthulhu’s Rejects
- Cursed Rick Npc waves
- Custom Avatar Framework
- Custom Avatar Utils (Automatic Custom References setup and First person face hider)
- Custom NPC Voices Framework
- Cut Enemies In Half
- CyberMech
- Dagger Gun
- Dark Chains (Telekinesis on enemies and force choke)
- Dark Chains
- Darksaber
- Darth Vader
- Dawnbreaker
- de_dust2 Counter Strike 1.6
- Dead Pool
- Death Pit Fortress
- Dishonored folding blade
- Dismemberment
- Donut Shuriken
- Drag’s Deagle
- Drag’s M4A1
- Drag’s Shurikens Remastered (with new Pouch)
- Dragonslayer’s Crescent Axe
- E-11 Blaster Rifle
- Easier Dismemberment
- Enemies package 5 – Trolls
- Enemies Package 7 – Urban Fighter
- Energy Sword
- Enter The Matrix
- Epic War – Dwarven lair
- Fallout 4 – Bandit Lazer Gun
- FantasyCreatureV4 – 1600 types of enemies
- Far Cry NPC Villian Pack
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake Cloud NPC
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake Shinra Security NPC
- Fisher’s Elemental Firearms and NPC Gun Waves
- Flintlock Weapons
- Fox’s Master Sword and Hylian Shield
- Frying Pan(TF2)
- Futuristic weapons pack
- Fuzzydacat’s Halo Gravity Hammer
- Genji Pack
- Genji Sword
- Ghetto’s guns shared stuff
- GL-06 Grenade Launcher
- Glock
- Glocks
- Glowing Plasma Sword
- Goblin Enemy Pack
- Gold Desert Eagle
- Golden Vip Weapon Pack
- Gran Album Bridge (Devil May Cry)
- Gravity Hammer
- Great Journey – A Halo Overhaul mod by Fisher – PUBLIC BETA
- Grenade Launcher
- Halo Energy Sword
- Halo Gravity Hammer by Fisher
- Hand Phaser 2
- Hanzo’s bow with Ultimate Dragonstrike
- Heckler and Koch weapon pack
- Homer Simpson Voice Pack
- Hylian Gear
- Imperial Ship Assault
- Industrial Area
- Infinite Bag of Random Weapons
- Infinity Gauntlet
- Iron Man Gauntlets (Flying and Shooting)
- Iron Man NPC
- Item Activation
- Item Gun
- Jedi Knight Map Packs
- John Wick’s briefcase
- Kakariko Village (Zelda OOT)
- Kakariko Village
- Kamino
- Kitchen Gun BANG BANG
- Knight Training – An Outer Rim Add-on
- Kokiri Forest
- Korriban Academy
- Krusty Krab
- Lady Dimitrescu NPC
- Left 4 Dead Voicepack
- Lego LAAT Gunship
- Lemongrab’s Sound Sword
- Lightsabers
- Link’s Arsenal
- Llangachi – Map By Drags
- Loki’s Scepter – Marvel
- Lon Lon Ranch OoT
- LonLonRanch
- m16 shorty
- M4 Carbine Rifle
- Machinegun M249
- Magic Dagger of Ra
- Magic Weapon Effects
- Mando
- Map Optimiser
- Maschinenpistole 40
- Master Chief
- Master Sword and Hylian Shield
- Master Sword(with Sword Beam) – Breath of the Wild
- Max’s Waves – No Death on Dismember
- Medieval MegaPack
- meme guns pack
- Meme’s Deagle
- Mii Gunner Pack
- Mine And Sorcery
- Mine and Sorcery Waves
- Minecraft Map With Village And End Nether
- Mjolnir
- Modular Rifle (build your own rifle)
- Monty Python – Holy Hand Grenade
- More Categories
- More Slots
- More waves
- MoreSlots
- Morphine’s Flail
- MosinNagant With Bayonet
- Mystic Hands
- Nagant M1895
- Needler
- NERF Revolver
- Nuke
- Order 66 Waves
- OSRS Falador Guards
- Outset Island
- Oval Office White House
- Overwatch – Sigma’s Hyperspheres
- Peach’s Castle
- Piepop101’s Glock and Gun Framework
- Plight of Ragnarok
- Port Steam Haven
- Portable Books
- Pourable Whisky Mod
- Retaliator
- Retractable Claws
- Rubber Duck
- Scale
- Sentenceds
- SkateBoard
- Slimecraft Skyblock
- Slimecraft Spawn
- Snappable necks
- Spider Man Raimi Suit
- Spider-Man Climbing
- Spider-Man Miles Morales NPC
- Spider-man mod
- Spider-Man NPC
- Star Wars Battles
- Star Wars Hero Fights
- Star Wars Lightsabers
- Stormtrooper NPCs
- Super Soldier Serum
- Superhot
- Swat pack
- Tacticool Weapons pack
- The Anvil
- The Combines
- The Gman
- The Mandalorian Mod
- The Outer Rim
- The Seven Deadly Sins – Devine Axe Rhitta
- The Simpsons Pack
- Thrones of the Gods (Ancient Greece)
- Time Lord
- Titan Spell
- Ultron NPC
- Unarmed Waves
- Underground Subway
- Valorant Pack
- Venom
- Working camera
- Working food
- World Wars Weapons Pack
- Zelda – Guardian Shield
- Zelda – Guardian Sword
- Zelda Map Pack
- Zelda N64 Weapon Pack