Circuitry is another incredibly important component to crafting anything that involves power, both in CAMP crafting and Weapon/Armor crafting. You need a lot of Circuitry in Fallout 76, so it’s good to try and stock up with as much as you can when you find it.
A couple items can be broken down into Circuitry in Fallout 76, and those items are:
Assaultron Circuit Boards
Damaged Mainframe Cores
Enhanced Targeting Cards
Flight Data Recorder
Hot Plate
Military-Grade Circuit Boards
Radio Jammer
Scrap Assaultron Head
Sensor Module
Because Circuitry is TYPICALLY found in either specific electronics OR robots, there are quite a number of places you can farm them. Remember, only certain robots actually carry the Circuitry component on them, so you need to kill those specific robots if you want any.
Some important areas that yield a high amount of Circuitry farming in Fallout 76 are: