Starfield Mods

I knew people would be asking me for the mods I used in my Starfield video, so I figured I’d just easily compile them all here for you. Remember, if you’ve never modded before, at least look up a couple videos to get an idea of how to do it so you don’t wreck your game (and save files)
3rd Person 1-Handed Pistol Animations
Address Library for SFSE Plugins
Alien Size Scaling Aggressiveness and Speed Improvements (Royal Aliens Deleveled Vanilla-Version)
Alternate Paradiso Solution – Eat The Rich
Arms of Mandalore – Star Wars Weapon Replacer
Aurebesh – Star Wars Conversion
Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE)
Bullet hole Impact VERSION 3.0
Console Command Runner Updated
Craftable Clothing Effects – CCE
Crimson Fleet – Guavian Death Gang Overhaul (Star Wars)
Crimson Fleet Arsenal – Star Wars Weapon Replacer
Enhanced Blood Textures Starfield
Freestar X-wings (Experimental)
Hondo Ohnaka and the Scow Crew
Imperial Armaments – Star Wars Weapon Replacer
Legendary Module Recycler – Legendary Clothing Enabled Patch
Mandalorian Conversion – Clone Wars Era
Nanosuit Voice for Hazard Alerts
ND-5 Vasco Replacer (Star Wars)
Neon Vertigo – A Neon Overhaul
Neutral LUTs – No Color Filters
Outer Rim Artillery – Star Wars Weapon Replacer
Project Warfare – Hardened Edition
Rebel Armaments – Star Wars Weapon Replacer
Recycle Scum – Loot Organs (now with Cannibal Trait)
Royal Weathers – An Immersive Starfield Climate Overhaul
Samus Aran Outfits and Weapon Pack (Metroid Retextures of Starborn Armor and more)
Sans and Papyrus Lodge Painting Replacer (UNDERTALE)
Simple Needs – A Minimal Survival MOD
Star Wars – Geonosis Planet Texture (Mars Replacer)
Star Wars – Imperial Ground Crew
Star Wars – Mimban Stormrooper
Star Wars – Neo Crusader Spacesuit Replacement Pack for Spacers and Disciples
Star Wars – New Atlantis Star Destroyer (Fix)
Star Wars Armor Pack (The Sniper9)
Star Wars Bounty Hunter Pack (Boba Fett and Friends)
Star Wars Clone Wars Outfits (Anakin – Obi-Wan – Padme)
Star Wars Genesis – Armor Compendium
Star Wars Naboo N-1 Starfighter 1999
Star Wars Realistic Weapon Patch
Star Wars Seismic Charge SFX for Atlatl 280C
Star wars T-65B X-wing Starfighter (ElectioniStar) NEW
Star Wars YT-1300 Millennium Falcon 1977
Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)
Starvival – Immersive Survival Addon