The Sunken Pearl Guide & Commendations | Sea of Thieves

Welcome to the Sea of Thieves, a Pirate’s Life, season 3 update. This is THE guide to the second tall tale of the series, The Sunken Pearl, if you don’t want any spoilers you best minimize this page now or forever hold your grog. This guide will hold EVERY hidden commendation location so you can rest assured you won’t miss a thing.
The Sunken Pearl Tall Tale Guide
Beginning The Tale

To begin we need to vote for the tall tale at the Castaways camp, once your crew has voted you can enjoy the beautiful story line that has been set up for you. Unlike the first tall tale, this one is NOT a solo instance, so you can and will run into other crews while on this voyage.
The Sunken Pearl - Part 1
Once submerged you’ll start to see a trail of finely placed broken ship parts. This is like a pathway that you will want to swim along. Now you don’t need to worry about running out of breath, as long as you follow the trail you’ll find bubbles of air just waiting for you so you can catch your breath again.
Now that you’ve found the Black Pearl, its time to investigate. Unfortunately some scummy pirate went and locked the door to the captains quarters, so now we’ll have to mosey around and find the key.
The Sunken Pearl - Part 2
With Jack’s Compass now in your quest inventory it’s time to pull it out and take a look as to where you need to go. With luck, you’ll be guided to swim down into the dark tunnel where there is surely nothing scary lurking about.
Now its puzzle time! Check the walls and you will see cave paintings depicting the “proper” solution to unlocking the way forward. Make each statue match the painting by slashing or shooting them to move their arm to one of 3 positions. Once all is in order shoot or slash the statue with the trumpet to enter your solution.
The Sunken Pearl - Part 3
After the Queen’s speech you will be able to exit the observation area through the “windows” and will be attacked by the queen’s loyal minions, the Sirens. These creatures are very fast swimmers, too fast for my camera to capture them, but in time you will slaughter them one by one and the final one will drop another Siren’s Heart.
With the water drained the queen will send another wave of crabby enemies you’re way for you to defeat, be sure to snag one of the tridents from the floor to make quick work of them.
Now here’s where most people run into, IF another crew is in the tall tale with you, you will have to wait (I know, painful word) until they finish before you can enter the next stage. Once it’s your turn, shoot the doorknob and enter the arena, just don’t forget to bring your key with you!

The Sunken Pearl - Part 4
Now here’s probably my favorite part of this quest. You get to go face to face with the daughter of the ocean, The Kraken.
Its up to you if you want to continue to haul this chest through the rest of the mission or just leave it here at the Siren Kings room. I’ll explain my experience to help you decide.
Now if one boss fight wasn’t enough, it’s time for a second boss fight, this time, underwater. Head through the bubble door and face off with the Siren Queen. This fight is pretty simple as you really only need to focus on shooting her, swimming up for air and eating food to regain health. Every 25% health or so she’ll run away and a few puny Sirens will attack you, but as they say, “To the persistent pirate is presented the prize” or something like that.
If you followed this guide you should find yourself will a FULLY completed commendations list and now be able to equip both the Revenge of The Silver Blade Cutlass and the Revenge of The Silver Blade Capstan.